

[单选] A trade custom has been proved to the effect that in trade between Sarawak and Singapore mate’s receipts()universally adopted as documents of title as in same way as bills of lading.

A . are
B . takes
C . makes
D . ha

零件在弯曲前,坯料的准备工作应注意些什么? 应收账款的信用成本是指企业持有一定应收账款所付出的代价,包括() 机会成本。 管理成本。 短缺成本。 转换成本。 简述国外馈赠礼仪基本常识。 如果企业制定的信用标准较严,只对信誉好坏账损失率低的客户给予赊销,则会() 扩大销售量。 减少销售量。 增加坏账成本。 减少坏账成。 在介入小水电企业贷款业务时要树立()和社会责任感。 环保意识。 效益意识。 合规意识。 风险意识。 A trade custom has been proved to the effect that in trade between Sarawak and Singapore mate’s receipts()universally adopted as documents of title as in same way as bills of lading.



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