

[单选] ()the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks of vacation seems generous.

A . Compared with
B . Compared
C . Comparing with
D . Comparing

He is younger than(). any other boy in the class。 any boy in the class。 all boys in the class。 you and me as well as the cla。 《江苏省大气污染防治条列》规定,省环境保护行政主管部门组织发布最佳实用大气污染控制技术名录。 江苏省大气污染防治条例指出,工程主管单位承担施工扬尘的污染防治责任,将扬尘污染治理费列入工程造价。 ()at the railway station when it began to rain. Hardly had he arrived。 Hardly he had arrived。 No sooner did he arrive。 No sooner arrived he。 常见通信光的波长有()。 1550nm。 1310nm。 1625nm。 1425nm。 ()the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks of vacation seems generous.



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