

[单选] In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship()involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.

A . is not
B . has not
C . do not
D . does not

钢丝绳定期润滑的作用是什么? 关于某钢铁公司并购一石油公司的论述,正确的是() 属纵向并购,但易受反垄断法的限制。 属混合并购,以分散投资,降低经营风险。 属购买式并购,以取得石油公司的经营权。 属横向并购,目的在于多种经营,扩大企业规模。 什么是平整场地?如何计算工程量? 建筑物的变形缝如何计算? 起升机构制动器失灵天车工如何处理? In most cases,the mere reception or dumping down of the cargo on the ship()involve completion of loading,because the operation of loading involves all that is required to put the cargo in a condition in which it can be carried.



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