

[单选] While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. You are on a 200-foot cargo vessel with an unobstructed view astern from the steering position. The vessel is being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards. The lookout may be().

A . the helmsman
B . the officer on watch
C . either A or B
D . neither A nor B

()不是影响护患沟通的个人因素 生理因素。 情绪因素。 场合与时间。 社会文化因素。 电动机在运行中的监视检查内容有哪些? 下列关于Windows“回收站”的叙述中,错误的是()。 “回收站”可以暂时或永久存放硬盘上被删除的信息。 “回收站”所占据的空间是可以调整的。 放入“回收站”的信息可以恢复。 “回收站”可以存放软盘上被删除的信息。 与视力不好的患者沟通时,哪项不正确() 告诉患者你来了或你离开了病房。 催患者快点回答问题。 鼓励患者表达自己的感受。 选择合适的沟通环境与时间。 属于个人理财基本原则的有()。 量入为出原则。 经济效益原则。 安全性原则。 变现原则。 因人制宜原则。 While on watch at sea you must maintain a proper lookout at all times. You are on a 200-foot cargo vessel with an unobstructed view astern from the steering position. The vessel is being hand-steered during daylight hours in good visibility and clear of any navigational hazards. The lookout may be().



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