

[单选] 直流电源线、交流电源线、信号线必须分开布放。应避免在同一线束内。电缆走线应将直流线、交流线与信号线分开布放,至少在()mm以上

A . 20
B . 30
C . 50
D . 100

下列不属于我国网络隐私权保护立法原则的是() 资料内容正确原则。 公开原则。 个人参与原则。 公平原则。 为了能够联接交叉的两根轴,万向联轴器必须成对的使用。 试述教师在游戏的现场指导中如何把握好与儿童的互动节奏? What advantage would you get if you increase the length of time during which the undo information would be stored in the database?() roll back of large transactions。 roll forward to redo a transaction。 data concurrency for large updates。 read consistency for long-running transactio。 You are administering a database and you receive a requirement to apply the following restrictions: 1. A connection must be terminated after four unsuccessful login attempts by user. 2. A user should not be able to create more than four simultaneous sessions. 3. User session must be terminated after 15 minutes of inactivity. 4. Users must be prompted to change their passwords every 15 days. How would you accomplish these requirements?() by granting a secure application role to the users。 by creating and assigning a profile to the users and setting the REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT parameter to false。 By creating and assigning a profile to the users and setting the SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS parameter to 4。 By Implementing Fine-Grained Auditing (FGA) and setting the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_FILE parameter to none.。 By implementing the database resource Manager plan and setting the SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS parameters to 4.。 直流电源线、交流电源线、信号线必须分开布放。应避免在同一线束内。电缆走线应将直流线、交流线与信号线分开布放,至少在()mm以上



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