

[单选] After a normal, or safety shutdown, automatic combustion control systems for an auxiliary boiler are designed to prevent the immediate re-firing of a burner in order for the ().

A . furnace to be re-purged
B . electric charge to buildup in the igniter
C . fuel pump to restart
D . drum level to stabilize

一个139.264Mbit/s的PDH支路信号可以复用成一个()。 STM-4。 STM-1。 TU-12。 AU-3。 展览馆办公自动化系统以实现高水平管理、高效率、无纸化办公为最终目标。 主办商业务是高附加值和高利润的业务。 蜗杆传动用于空间交错的两轴之间的运动和转矩。 一般来说,()行业受货币政策影响较大。 资金密集型。 商品流通型。 劳动密集型。 外贸出口型。 After a normal, or safety shutdown, automatic combustion control systems for an auxiliary boiler are designed to prevent the immediate re-firing of a burner in order for the ().



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