

[多选] Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supports shared serverconnections?()

A . Allocates memory for RMAN backup and restore operations
B . Allocates memory for shared and private SQL areas
C . Contains a cursor area for storing runtime information about cursors
D . Contains stack space
E . Contains a hash area performing hash joins of table

工程造价管理信息化同其它任何工作一样,人是决定性的因素。实现工程造价管理信息化,迫切需要培养造就一大批既懂信息技术,又懂工程造价业务的人才。 说明专利权的评估程序? 社会变迁 ()年,严复、夏曾佑在《本馆附印说部缘起》一文中提出,应该利用小说来启发国民的觉悟。 工程造价管理信息化是交通领域信息化的重要组成部分。制定工程造价管理信息化的总体规划和总体目标,按照总体规划的要求,分阶段、分层次加快信息化基础设施建设。 Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supports shared serverconnections?()



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