

[单选] 施工机械的税费是指施工机械按照国家规定应缴纳的车船使用税、保险费及()等。

A . A.过路过桥费
B . B.罚款
C . C.年通行费
D . D.年检费

Identify three key features of ASM.()  file striping。  allocation unit mirroring。  automatic disk rebalancing。  automatic file size increment。  automatic undo management。 个人与所在用人单位发生社会保险争议的,可以依法申请调解、仲裁,提起诉讼。 Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: EMP_ID NUMBER(4) NOT NULL LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) DEPT_ID NUMBER(2) JOB_CAT VARCHAR2(30) SALARY NUMBER(8,2) Which statement shows the department ID, minimum salary, and maximum salary paid in that department, only of the minimum salary is less then 5000 and the maximum salary is more than 15000?() SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary(, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) <5000 AND MAX (salary) > 15000;。 SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE MIN(salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary) > 15000 GROUP BY dept_id;。 SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees HAVING MIN(salary) <5000 AND MAX (salary) > 15000;。 SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id HAVING MIN (salary) < 5000 AND MAX(salary)。 SELECT dept_id, MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, salary HAVING MIN (salary) <5000 AND MAX (salary) > 15000。 1N/m2=()Pa。 106。 9.81。 1。 0.1。 油田对原油乳化液的处理,依靠油水所受重力不同进行分离的方法属于()脱水法 热沉降。 化学破。 电场破乳。 施工机械的税费是指施工机械按照国家规定应缴纳的车船使用税、保险费及()等。



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