


You find today’s performance of your production database to be the best ever. 
Therefore, you want to be notified in the future whenever the performance degrades by 10% of today’s performance. What is the first step that you would take to ensure this?()

A . A
B . B
C . C
D . D
E . E

电泵井变压器的检查周期() 一周。 一个月。 一季度。 关于人身安全保护令的说法正确的是()。 面临家庭暴力的现实危险,向人民法院申请人身安全保护令的,人民法院可以受理。 口头申请人身安全保护令的一律不受理。 人民法院依法作出人身安全保护令的,复议期间停止人身安全保护令的执行。 申请人身安全保护令应当以书面方式提出。 Your database has the SRV1 service configured for an application that runs on middle-tier application server. The application has multiple modules. You enable tracing at the service level by executing the following command: SQL > exec DBMS_MONITOR.SERV_MOD_ACT_TRACE_ENABLE (‘SRV1’); The possible outcome and actions to aggregate the trace files are as follows: 1. The command fails because a module name is not specified. 2. A trace file is created for each session that is running the SRV1 service. 3. An aggregated trace file is created for all the sessions that are running the SRV1 service. 4. The trace files may be aggregated by using the trcess utility. 5. The trace files be aggregated by using the tkprof utility. Identify the correct outcome and the step to aggregate by using tkprof utility?() 1。 2 and 4。 2 and 5。 3 and 4。 3 and 5。 耐荫类 浇注式沥青混合料的材料组成包括()等。 A.特立尼达精制湖沥青 。 B.水泥 。 C.矿粉 。 D.骨料。

You find today’s performance of your production database to be the best ever. 
Therefore, you want to be notified in the future whenever the performance degrades by 10% of today’s performance. What is the first step that you would take to ensure this?()




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