

[单选] 破产企业被整体接收的,安置期间的职工生活费由接收方企业发放,从企业()中发放。

A . 税后利润
B . 营业外支出
C . 管理费用
D . 留存收益

女儿墙高度如何计算? 什么是重新启动原则? Which statement concerning the carriage of containers is TRUE?(). The Chief Mate and Master of a container ship should have the proposed stowage plan ready for the stevedore upon arrival in port。 When stowed on deck of a break bulk ship,the bottom of the container must be evenly supported throughout。 With tiered containers,a 40-foot container may be stowed on top of two 20-foot containers。 Deck load calculations must take into account the square footage of the entire container bottom。 什么是双手操作的原则? 下列哪些可能不属于企业破产财产() 担保财产。 破产财产转让价值超过其账面净值的差额部分。 破产清算期间分回的投资收益。 宣告破产时,破产企业经营管理的全部财产。 破产企业被整体接收的,安置期间的职工生活费由接收方企业发放,从企业()中发放。



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