


A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance:
SQL> ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle);
You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows.
What could be a reason for this recommendation?()

A . The keep pool is not configured.
B . Automatic Workarea Management is not configured.
C . Automatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.
D . The data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.
E . All the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view

反思小说《杂色》的作者是()。 张贤亮。 王蒙。 史铁生。 冯骥才。 张某,25岁,7d前干活时不慎右手食指末端被刺破,未经消毒处理,3d后感到肿胀,轻微疼痛,昨天开始疼痛加剧,以夜间为甚,难以人睡,局部苍白,肿胀明显,全身不适。入院后检查,右手食指末节指腹苍白,肿胀明显,张力较高,触痛剧烈,波动感不明显,此时的首要护理措施是() 拔除指甲。 局部涂抹鱼石脂软膏。 局部热敷。 手指两侧切开引流。 抗生素应用。 You have written a custom menu for a Forms application. You saved the menu module to the file custmenu.mmb. In the Property Palette for the form, you set the Menu Module property to custmenu. When you run the form, the custom menu does not appear. What can you do to fix this problem?() Generate the menu module executable. 。 Save the menu module as custmenu.mmx. 。 In the Property Sheet for the form, set the Starting Menu property to custmenu. 。 In the Property Sheet for the form, set the Menu Module property to custmenu.mmb.。 Oracle JRockit JVM uses -Xns option to set nursery size when the generational garbage collection mode is used.  Which two JVM properties are affected by changing its size ?()  compaction ratio limit。  garbage collection frequency。  garbage collection times。  fragmentation heap size。 下列哪一说法是正确的?() 甲违反海关法规,将大量黄金运输进境,不予申报,逃避关税。甲的行为成立走私贵重金属罪。 乙生产、销售劣药,没有对人体健康造成严重危害,但销售金额超过了5万元。乙的行为成立生产、销售伪劣产品罪。 丙在自己的35名同学中高息揽储,吸收存款100万元,然后以更高的利息贷给他人。丙向其同学还本付息后,违法所得达到数额较大标准。丙的行为成立非法经营罪与高利转袋罪的想象竞合犯。 承担资产评估职责的丁,非法收受他人财物后,故意提供虚假证明文件。丁的行为构成公司、企业人员受贿罪与提供虚假证明文件罪,应实行数罪并罚。

A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance:
SQL> ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle);
You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows.
What could be a reason for this recommendation?()




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