

[单选] Unless it is unavoidable do not jump from a place higher than 5 meters into the water. Try to minimize the shook of sudden cold immersion. When should the said caution be taken into account?().

A . The mariners try to put out fire on board of vessel
B . The people on board try to survive themselves from a ship in perils
C . The salvors take actions to rescue the survivors at sea
D . The pilot come on board from his boat in bad weather

不可分离性,即服务的()和消费过程同时进行。 生产过程。 消费过程。 营销过程。 销售过程。 在新生儿窒息复苏时,应用肾上腺素药物的指征是什么? 在高斯平面直角坐标系中,已知某点的通用坐标为x=3852321.456m,y=38436458.167m,则该点的自然坐标是() x=3852321.456m;y=8436458.167m。 x=52321.456m;y=38436458.167m。 x=3852321.456m;y=-436458.167m。 x=3852321.456m;y=-63541.833m。 Vessels approaching from west will()pilot in approximate position 015108N/1033008E. obtain。 select。 request。 pick u。 Vessels are advised()clear of this area. keep。 keeping。 to keep。 to keeping。 Unless it is unavoidable do not jump from a place higher than 5 meters into the water. Try to minimize the shook of sudden cold immersion. When should the said caution be taken into account?().



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