

[单选] A load line for a ship is assigned by the().

A . Minerals Management Service
B . Department of Energy
C . Corps of Engineers
D . A recognized classification society approved by the Coast Guard

下图标签的物品是哪一类别的危险品?() 4.1。 4.2。 4.3。 4。 Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I?() (1) Disposal of oil residues (2) Internal transfer of fuel oil (1)only。 (2)only。 both(1)and(2)。 neither(1)nor(2)。 筹措长期资金的方式有() 长期借款。 商业信用。 发行债券。 融资租赁。 日本工业冷却水总用量的60%-80%来自海水。 战勤保障大队滤水器储备数量为10个。 A load line for a ship is assigned by the().



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