

[填空题] 医疗器械经营企业经营的医疗器械发生重大质量事故的,应当在()内报告所在地省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理部门。

Your company has a single active directory domain named contoso.com. all servers run windows server 2008. You have a public DNS server named server1, and an e-mail server named server2. Client computers outside the company domain are unable to send e-mail messages to contoso.com. you verify that the host (A) DNS record for server2 is available to external client computers. You need to ensure server2 can receive e-mail messages from external client computers. How should you configure the contoso.com DNS zone?() ["Add a mail exchange (MX) record for server2.","Add a mailbox (MB) record for server2. Set the mailbox host setting to server2.","Add a canonical (CNAME) record that maps server2 to contoso.com.","Add a server locator (SRV) record for server2. Set the service field to _smtp. Set the protocol field to _tcp. Set the port number to 25."] 他人行为涉及归因者而导致归因的偏差是() ["观察者与行为者的归因偏差","涉及个人利益的归因偏差","涉及社会地位的归因偏差","对自然现象拟人化的归因偏差"] 固定资产投资的特点有()。 ["收回快","投资次数相对较少,投资额较大","是一种经常性投资","数量少,次数频繁"] 医疗器械经营企业未依照本办法规定办理登记事项变更的,由县级以上食品药品监督管理部门责令限期改正,给予警告;拒不改正的,处()罚款。 第三类医疗器械经营企业未在每年年底前向食品药品监督管理部门提交年度自查报告的,由县级以上食品药品监督管理部门责令限期改正,给予警告;拒不改正的,处()罚款。 医疗器械经营企业经营的医疗器械发生重大质量事故的,应当在()内报告所在地省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理部门。



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