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[填空题] 访问一次内存储器所花的时间称为()。

FA4型断路器电气控制箱“远方―就地”控制把手的作用是什么? DOS系统中文件路径最长为()个字符。 Which one is NOT the ‘clear grounds’ for a more detailed inspection?() ["the master and the chief engineer are unable to communicate effectively","serious corrosion on the hull","damaged sanitary pump","one page missing in the oil record book"] In some parts of the world there is often a slight fall in tide during the middle of the high water period. The effect is to create a longer period of stand at higher water. This special feature is called a(n)(). ["apogean tide","double high water","perigean tide","bore"] 寄往欧美国家的信函,信纸折叠方式通常为()。 ["竖折","横折","横竖折","随意折"] 访问一次内存储器所花的时间称为()。



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