

[单选] 火炬系统的常明火点火前要确保()有水封。

A . 水封罐
B . 火炬分液罐
C . 缓冲制度
D . 阻火器

()是指用现有产品去开辟新的市场。 市场渗透。 市场开发。 市场创新。 紧张战略。 The fixing of a canceling date on a charter-party merely()warning to the Shipowner that non-arrival by this date may result so as to entitle the Charterer to rescind. takes。 comes。 goes。 give。 市和区、县总工会以及产业工会,()具有社会团体法人资格。 自然。 经办理登记。 不。 从成立之日起。 On all vessels equipped with refrigeration units of over 20 cubic foot capacity, (). a gas mask suitable for protection against each refrigerant used, or a self contained breathing apparatus must be provided。 it is the sole responsibility of the chief engineer to ascertain that all members of the engineering department are familiar with the use of gas masks or breathing apparatus。 spare charges shall be carried for at least 50% of each size and variety of gas masks and/or self contained breathing apparatus。 all of the above。 The final inspection responsibility for seeing that a tank barge is provided with the required equipment and fittings in good and serviceable condition prior to loading cargo rests with the (). terminal operator。 owner of the barge。 tankerman or person in charge of loading。 charterer through the Master of the towing vessel。 火炬系统的常明火点火前要确保()有水封。
参考答案: A



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