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You are developing a client application that consumes a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The operation contract is as follows. [OperationContract] [FaultContract(typeof(SalesFault))] string GetSales(string saleId);() The service configuration file contains the following line in the serviceBehaviors section. A divide-by-zero exception is not being handled by the service. You need to ensure that the exception is caught in the client application. Which type of exception should the client catch?() [" TimeoutException"," FaultException"," DivideByZeroException"," FaultException<SalesFault>"] 在动态测试过程中,测试人员完全不考虑程序内部的逻辑结构和内部特性,只依据程序的需求规格说明书,检查程序的功能是否符合要求的方法属于()。 ["白盒法","黑盒法","条件覆盖法","经验推测法"] 超数排卵 钨精矿的分解方法有哪些? 某企业拟筹资5000万元,其中发行债券2000万元,筹资费率为2%,债券年利率为10%,所得税率为33%,优先股1000万元,年股息率7%,筹资费率为3%;普通股2000万元筹资费率为4%,第一年预期股利率为10%,以后各年增长4%。试计算该筹资方案的综合资金成本。该筹资方案的综合资金成本 单韵母



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