

[填空题] 20世纪末中国文学总的大背景是“()”。

下列纳税人中,集中在北京缴纳企业所得税的是()。 ["民航总局所属其他企业及其所办的股份制企业","民航总局所属其他企业及其所办的联营企业","铁道部所属的独立核算的工业企业及其他单位","中国工商银行、中国银行、中国农业银行"] 需用烙铁往设备端子板的端子上焊线时,焊点应光滑,无假焊、错焊、漏焊,无短路,芯线露铜应小于()mm。 ["1","2","3","4"] he data blocks in your form module are based on object tables. How would you create a master-detail relationship between two of these blocks?() ["Use the Data Block Wizard and base the relation on a REF pointer. ","In the Object Navigator, select the Relation node under the master block and click the Create icon. Build the relation manually and coordinate the blocks using triggers.","Use the Data Block Wizard, and base the relation on the primary key-foreign key relationship in the database. ","This task is not possible because master-detail relations can be implemented only for blocks based on relational tables.&e"] You execute the following commands to audit database activities: SQL > ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRIAL=DB, EXTENDED SCOPE=SPFILE; SQL > AUDIT SELECT TABLE, INSERT TABLE, DELETE TABLE BY JOHN By SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL; Which statement is true about the audit record that generated when auditing after instance restarts?() [" One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command on a table, and contains the SQL text for the SQL Statements."," One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements."," One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT, or DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements."," One audit record is created for the whole session if JOHN successfully executes a select command, and contains the SQL text and bind variables used."," One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT,or DELETE command on a table, and contains the execution plan, SQL text, and bind variables used."] 普通硅酸盐水泥使用于()。 ["反复冻融的工程","高强度混凝土","受海水浸蚀的工程","大体积混凝土"] 20世纪末中国文学总的大背景是“()”。



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