

[单选] When referring to dry bulk cargoes,the term “flow state”().

A . designates the state of a commodity when the ship is heeled past the angle of repose
B . relates to the suitability of loading a cargo by flowing down inclined chutes
C . refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid
D . relates to the minimum granule size of a particular product where it will flow like a liquid at an angle of 30°

Both the temperature and the pressure of the refrigerant are increased in the (). compressor。 condenser。 evaporator。 expansion valve。 融资租赁的固定资产视为企业自有固定资产管理,这种筹资方式必然会影响企业的资本结构。() 简述杯体虫病(又称为舌杯虫)的流行情况。 多媒体信息具有的特点是()。 集成性。 交互性。 实时性。 快速性。 多样性。 The heat used to change a liquid to a vapor is called (). latent heat of fusion。 latent heat of vaporization。 specific heat of vaporization。 latent heat of the ga。 When referring to dry bulk cargoes,the term “flow state”().



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