

[单选] ()Charterer and Shipowner agreed on instructions which were ambiguous and were misinterpreted in good faith by the master,it was held that the Charterer could not hold the Shipowner liable.

A . Whether
B . Where
C . That
D . Which

Gear pumps are () type because they discharge a near constant amount of liquid regardless of pressure. positive displacement。 non-positive displacement。 mixed-flow。 axial-flow。 危险化学品的标签应包括哪些内容? 承担接待任务中,迎送时应注意什么礼仪? 贷款合同签订地点是()。 银行营业场所。 借款人住所。 A和B均可。 双方约定地点。 () are more suitable for large quantities at low pressure. Reciprocating pumps。 Rotary pumps。 Centrifugal pumps。 Gear pum。 ()Charterer and Shipowner agreed on instructions which were ambiguous and were misinterpreted in good faith by the master,it was held that the Charterer could not hold the Shipowner liable.



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