

[单选] Information theory is related to the quantification of information. This was developed by Claude E. Shannon to who found fundamental limits on ( ) operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data.

A . signal
B . data
C . information
D . signal processing

A milestone is a significant () in a project. activity。 event。 phase。 process。 依据项目变更管理流程,项目中的正式变更手续应该由()来进行审批。 A、项目经理 。 B、公司高层领导 。 C、变更控制委员会 。 D、公司高层领导与客户方高层领导共同 。 In project management , a (73) is a listing of a project’s milestones, activities, and deliverables, usually with intended start and finish dates. Those items are often estimated in terms of resource (74) ,budget and duration, linked by dependencies and scheduled events. schedule。 activity。 plan。 contractor。 以下各项中,()不属于知识产权。 A、著作权 。 B、专利权 。 C、隐私权 。 D、商标权。 对变更效果的评估是变更管理中非常重要的一环。()不属于变更效果评估的内容。 A、项目基准是评估依据 。 B、是否达到了变更提出时的要求 。 C、在干系人间就变更达成共识 。 D、评估变更的效率和效果 。 Information theory is related to the quantification of information. This was developed by Claude E. Shannon to who found fundamental limits on ( ) operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data.



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