

[单选] As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign,it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record().

A . all information contained on the barge's Certificate of Inspection
B . the condition of all towing gear to be used
C . all navigational aids to be used
D . the barges load line and draft reading

战勤保障大队消防员呼救器储备数量为50只。 人工工日单价包括哪些内容? 交流三相感应电机的特点是什么? 福万通借记卡持卡人在自动存取款机(CRS)上存款时,应以()面额的整数倍存入。 10。 20。 50。 100。 战勤保障大队灭火指挥服储备数量为30套。 As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign,it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record().



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