

[名词解释] 职业心理素质

科技论文作者思维清晰主要体现在()。 ["作者思路和思想上","语言文字上","科研三步曲上","论文目录构架中"] You are developing an application that performs file backups in the background. The background application will host a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service and must be active as soon as the machine is running. The background application will not have a user interface. A front-end application will consume the WCF service and will provide the user interface.You need to choose a host environment for the WCF service. Which hosting environment should you choose? () [" Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0"," Windows Process Activation Services (WAS)"," A Windows Forms application"," A Windows Service"] 韵尾 系统调试完成后,在实施系统转换、投入试运行之前,必须做好编写()和人员培训工作。 ["系统设计说明书","系统实施方案","系统使用说明书","系统测试报告"] 证人在刑事案件侦查期间的义务有() ["如实提供证据、证言","核对询问笔录","书写证词","随传随到"] 职业心理素质



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