

[单选] 下列关于项目管理岗位职责说法错误的是()

A . 参与项目进度计划的编制
B . 对项目资源进行规划
C . 对部分合同文件熟知
D . 掌握质量控制的通用工具

(), where extensive work, particularly to the ship’s structure may be repairedThese are the result of groundings collisions and other accidents. voyage repairs。 routine docking。 damage repairs。 conversio。 语文课外作业的类型() 练习型课外作业。 准备型的课外作业。 扩展型的课外作业。 创造型的课外作业。 A snag or other underwater obstruction may form a(). V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstream。 V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing downstream。 small patch of smooth water on a windy day。 smoothing out of the vessel's wake。 无论何时,一旦选择文档菜单中的“暂停打印”命令就能终止打印机当前的工作状态。 (), where minor repairs are carried out with a ship service, often during a stay in portThis may be remote from a ship repair site. voyage repairs。 routine docking。 damage repairs。 conversio。 下列关于项目管理岗位职责说法错误的是()



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