

[单选] 以下各项中,()不属于知识产权。

A . A、著作权
B . B、专利权
C . C、隐私权
D . D、商标权

In project management , a (73) is a listing of a project’s milestones, activities, and deliverables, usually with intended start and finish dates. Those items are often estimated in terms of resource (74) ,budget and duration, linked by dependencies and scheduled events. schedule。 activity。 plan。 contractor。 Circuit-switching technology is used in Publish Switched Telephone Network(PSTN), Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) and code Division Multiple Access (CMDA) . It is a ( ) information transfer mode. connection oriented。 connectionless。 high bandwidth utilization。 poor real-time。 Information theory is related to the quantification of information. This was developed by Claude E. Shannon to who found fundamental limits on ( ) operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data. signal。 data。 information。 signal processing。 项目范围管理过程包括:范围计划、()、创建WBS、范围确认、范围控制5个主要过程. A、需求管理 。 B、范围定义 。 C、范围变更 。 D、编制范围说明书。 某软件开发项目中将《详细设计说明书》作为配置项,项目的开发人员正在编写一份《详细设计说明书》的版本号为V0.1,此后他对这份文件进行了修改并保存,版本号应升级为() A、V0.2 。 B、V0.5 。 C、V1.0 。 D、V1.1 。 以下各项中,()不属于知识产权。



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