

[问答题] 选择特许经营项目的时候应当注意哪些事项?

You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database with the ASM storage. The database is having big file tablespaces. You want files to open faster and less memory to be used in the shared pool to manage the extent maps.  What configuration would you effect to achieve your objective?()   [" Set the ASM compatibility attribute for the ASM disk group to 11.1.0."," Set the RDBMS compatibility attribute for the ASM disk group to 11.1.0."," Set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter for the ASM instance to 11.1.0."," Set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter for the database instance to 11.1.0."] 使记忆内容能够在短时间内长期保持的有效手段是() ["精细加工","生成性学习","组织","复述"] Your database is in ARCHIVELOG mode. You have two online redo log groups, each of which contains one redo member. When you attempt to start the database, you receive the following errors: ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1 ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: 'D:\REDO01.LOG' You discover that the online redo log file of the current redo group is corrupted. Which statement should you use to resolve this issue?() [" ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP 1;"," ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE GROUP 1;"," ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE GROUP 1;"," ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER 'D:\\REDO01.LOG"] 选择特许经营项目要受哪些因素影响? 【背景资料】某5层砖混结构宿舍楼,7度抗震设防。墙厚240mm,墙长48m,宽12m,实际地质情况为西部地基土为中偏高压缩性土,而东部较坚硬。因紧邻该建筑的东侧建有同类型的房屋,并具有详细的地质勘察资料,故建设方省去了地质勘察,要求设计院按该地质勘察资料确定地基承载力。在房屋报建时因无地质资料,未获审批,后不得不补做了勘察,但此时基础已施工完成。施工方为了赶工期,新招进一劳务作业队伍进行墙体砌筑,发现砌筑砂浆层饱满度为75%,皮数砖同缝,多处转角和纵横墙丁字相交处的施工临时洞口处留直槎等情况,当房屋建至5层,墙面开始出现少量细微裂纹,随后逐步发展为裂缝,且不断增多。 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项。 转角和纵横墙丁字相交处的施工临时洞口处应留斜槎,斜槎水平投影长度不小于高度的2/3。 选择特许经营项目的时候应当注意哪些事项?




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