

[单选] Where a vessel is redelivered to the Shipowner and is not in the same good order as when delivered due to the Charterer’s fault,and repairs to her have to be effected in order to restore her to that condition,the Shipowner can()the cost of repairs and any loss of profit whilst she is being repaired.

A . want
B . send
C . deliver
D . claim

完成录音后按()键停止。 文件清单中的退出命令。 按“后退”按钮回到开始。 按“停止”按钮。 使用组合功能键ALT+F4。 基层信用社信贷员作为贷款利率定价(),负责在基层信用社审贷小组授权范围内确定贷款利率。 前台。 中台。 后台。 装载动物出境的运输工具,其检疫要求是() 装载后,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行消毒处理。 装载前,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行熏蒸处理。 装载后,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行熏蒸处理。 装载前,应当在口岸出入境检验检疫机关监督下进行消毒处理。 当使用杀虫剂而使昆虫产生抗性后,只要还没有成为纯系抗性,停止使用杀虫剂几年,抗性就会消退,甚至完全消失。引起这一现象的原因是() 瓶颈效应。 遗传漂变。 建立者效应。 哈迪—温伯格定律。 在智能ABC输入法中,输入拼音后,按()键可转换成中文。 ALT。 SHIFT。 CTRL。 SPACE。 Where a vessel is redelivered to the Shipowner and is not in the same good order as when delivered due to the Charterer’s fault,and repairs to her have to be effected in order to restore her to that condition,the Shipowner can()the cost of repairs and any loss of profit whilst she is being repaired.



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