

[填空题] 常用的液压基本回路有:()控制回路、()控制回路、()控制回路和顺序动作回路等四大类。

You enabled Automatic Shared Memory Management. The initialization parameters are set as shown below:  SGA_TARGET = 10GB SGA_MAX_SIZE = 14GB  STREAMS_POOL_SIZE = 1GB  SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 3GB  Which two statements are correct in this scenario? () [" A total of 14 GB memory will be allocated to the automatically tuned memory components"," Reducing the value for SGA_TARGET to 9 GB will automatically decrease the memory allocated to shared pool from 3 GB to 2 GB"," The value for SGA_TARGET can be increased up to a maximum of 14 GB"," A maximum of 3 GB can be allocated to shared pool"," Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET to 12 GB will automatically increase the memory allocated to autotuned parameters"," Increasing the value for SGA_TARGET will automatically increase the memory allocated for  STREAMS_POOL_SIZE"] 凡钢筋牌号、直径及尺寸相同的焊接骨架和焊接网应视为同一类型制品,且每()作为一批,一周内不足此数量的也应按一批计算。 ["A.100件 ","B.200件 ","C.300件 ","D.400件"] 被撤销监护人资格的加害人,()继续负担相应的赡养、扶养、抚养费用。 ["可以","部分","适当","应当"] 盛装其他气体的钢质无缝气瓶,检验周期() ["1年一次","2年一次","3年一次","5年一次"] Examine these two statements:Which three are true about the MRKT tablespace?() [" The MRKT tablespace is created as a small file tablespace, because the file size is less than the minimum required for big file files."," The MRKT tablespace may be dropped if it has no contents."," Users who were using the old default tablespace will have their default tablespaces changed to the MRKT tablespace."," No more data files can be added to the tablespace."," The relative file number of the tablespace is not stored in rowids for the table rows that are stored in the MRKT tablespace."] 常用的液压基本回路有:()控制回路、()控制回路、()控制回路和顺序动作回路等四大类。



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