

[单选] Usually() handles the majority of the correspondence and negotiation needed during transactions of stores and spare parts in the engine department.

A . the chief engineer
B . the second engineer
C . the third engineer
D . the fourth engineer

以辨证唯物主义为指导着重体现的观点是() 生活、实践的观点。 自觉能动性的观点。 联系、发展的观点。 茅盾统一的观点。 A current perpendicular to a vessel’s track has the greatest effect on the vessel’s course made good(). at high vessel speeds。 at low vessel speeds。 in shallow water。 in deep water。 支票的常规检查主要是检查()。 填写是否清晰。 内容是否齐全。 金额填写是否正确。 是否在付款期内。 在一个文件夹内,ABC.doc文件与ABC.doc文件可以作为两个文件同时存在。 After receiving the stores you should sign on the () engine logbook。 delivery docket。 store list。 maintenance book。 Usually() handles the majority of the correspondence and negotiation needed during transactions of stores and spare parts in the engine department.



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