


Which of the following will be desirable properties of refrigerant?()
(1) non-explosive
(2) non-corrosive
(3) that it doesn’t react with lubricants

A . (1), (2) and (3)
B . (1) and (2)
C . (1) and (3)
D . (2) and (3)

能使投资方案的净现值等于零的贴现率称为() 获利指数。 平均会计收益率。 内含报酬率。 资金成本率。 关系营销是对传统营销理论的一次变革和发展,是21世纪营销理论的发展趋势。其中,竞争者市场关系营销策略包括()。 博弈方略。 个性化营销战略。 退出管理。 一体化战略。 合纵战略。 Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE regarding lashing requirements to secure vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels? () It is imperative that the securing of cargo on flats and trailers and in containers be adequate for both road and sea motions。 The movements experienced by road borne cargo differ significantly from the roll and sway movements of a ship at sea。 It is necessary for adequate number and strength of securing points on the vehicles themselves in order that lashings may be properly and safely utilized.。 All the above。 零存整取存款期限没有()。 一年。 二年。 三年。 五年。 企业的竞争能力可以用波特五力模型分析,其中,购买者有较强议价能力的情形包括()。 购买产品完全标准化。 购买量很大。 卖方竞争激烈。 购买者总数少。 购买者有能力后向一体化。

Which of the following will be desirable properties of refrigerant?()
(1) non-explosive
(2) non-corrosive
(3) that it doesn’t react with lubricants




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