

[名词解释] 长期投资

工具用具使用费是指企业施工生产和管理使用的不属于固定资产的工具、器具、家具、交通工具和检验、试验、测绘、消防用具等的购置、维修和()。 ["使用费","摊销费","残值","折旧费"] You create a multiple form application- Which built-in must you use to invoke the form modules to enable you to programmatically control navigation between the multiple forms in your application?() ["NEW_FORM ","OPEN_FORM ","CALL_FORM ","CLOSE_FORM"] 社会保险经办机构应当定期向社会公布参加社会保险情况以及社会保险基金的收入、支出、结余和收益情况。 往复式压缩机的气阀阀座密封面,如有很轻微的伤痕,可采用手工研磨的方法来修理。 Which two statements are true about Oracle Managed Files (OMF)?() [" OMF cannot be used in a database that already has data files created with user-specified directions."," The file system directions that are specified by OMF parameters are created automatically."," OMF can be used with ASM disk groups, as well as with raw devices, for better file management."," OMF automatically creates unique file names for table spaces and control files."," OMF may affect the location of the redo log files and archived log files."] 长期投资



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