

[单选] If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ().

A . every week
B . a day
C . every trip
D . a watch or once a trip,whichever is shorter

In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch,you make an error in writing an entry. What is the proper way of correcting this error? () Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly。 Cross out the error with a single line,write the correct entry,and initial it。 Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly。 Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page。 在码头配载图制作完毕后,再次配载的集装箱称为()。 选港集装箱。 加载集装箱。 直装船集装箱。 平板集装箱。 兴业银行企金净值型理财产品名称为() A.金雪球-优越。 B.金雪球-优悦。 C.金雪球-优选。 D.金雪球-优先。 X Window系统有哪些主要特点? 企业网银虚拟子账号业务,即根据客户提供的“兴业银行18位账户”+“()位虚拟子账号”信息,就可以对虚拟子账户进行入账。 2。 3。 4。 6。 If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ().



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