

[单选] According to Gencon,if at any time during the currency of this Charter,both Owners and Charterers are unable to arrange bunkers at the main bunkering ports for the voyage in question,the()to have the privilege of canceling this Charter.

A . Charterers
B . Owners
C . both Charterers and Owners
D . neither Charterers nor Owner

经原油三相分离器处理后的原油含水可降到()。 A.0.5%。 B.8%。 C.10%。 D.5%。 In (), hot diesel engine jacket water passes over the stack and heats the sea water passing through the tubes. a flash generator。 a flash evaporator。 a vacuum boiling evaporator。 a boiler。 TUG3的结构是() 9行83列。 9行84列。 9行85列。 9行86列。 银行产品的基本特征不包括()。 可分割性。 服务的叠加性。 无形性。 易仿效性。 船舶发生较大火情后,必须等待全部的火情报告都掌握以后,再采取灭火行动。 According to Gencon,if at any time during the currency of this Charter,both Owners and Charterers are unable to arrange bunkers at the main bunkering ports for the voyage in question,the()to have the privilege of canceling this Charter.



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