


You delete content from a file named Speed.doc that is stored in the C:\Data folder. You edit 20 files in this folder over the next two days. You need to restore the version of the file that had the correct data. You also need to ensure that the other fiels in the folder remain unaffected.
What should you do?()

A . A
B . B
C . C
D . D

企业内物流管理的成功实施必然以成功的供应链管理战略为基础。 股东的财产权包括() 红利分配权。 转让出资权。 转让优先购买权。 增资优先购买权。 剩余资产分配权。 目前对企业绩效评价的研究相对比较完整和系统,因此可以把企业的绩效评价指标体系直接移植到供应链的绩效评价中。 对二人以上共同实施违反治安管理行为的责任,《治安管理处罚法》规定()。 按照相同尺度予以处罚。 根据违反治安管理行为人在违反治安管理行为中所起的作用,分别处罚。 只追究策划、指挥、领导者的责任。 一律从重处罚。 若要正确添加底稿中审定表以外的其他表页审计说明中的调整分录,可以采取的操作是()。 A.复制粘贴审定表的公式 。 B.在调整分录的界面选编辑调整分录组选对应底稿和所属表页 。 C.规定无法显示 。 D.AB项说法都对。

You delete content from a file named Speed.doc that is stored in the C:\Data folder. You edit 20 files in this folder over the next two days. You need to restore the version of the file that had the correct data. You also need to ensure that the other fiels in the folder remain unaffected.
What should you do?()




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