

[问答题] 行为治疗模式的治疗技术有哪几种?

如何在教学中提高小学儿童的概括水平? 潜意识 Which two design concerns must be addressed when designing a multicast implementation?() [" only the low-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses"," only the low-order 24 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses"," only the high-order 23 bits of the MAC address are used to map IP addresses"," only the low-order 23 bits of the IP address are used to map MAC addresses"," the 0x01004f MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresses"," the 0x01005e MAC address prefix is used for mapping IP addresses to MAC addresse"] 当今时代,社会治理手段()。 ["趋向系统","趋向分散","趋向碎片化","趋向多元化"] 患儿女2岁4天开始发热,T38.5℃~39℃,伴有咳嗽、流涕、眼红流泪,今起开始出皮疹,耳后、头颈部开始,体温更高,患儿烦躁不适加重。查体:急性病容、T39.8℃,精神萎靡,咽红,鼻涕、眼泪多,头部及躯干部可见较密皮疹,四肢也见少量散在皮疹,皮疹为红色斑丘疹,疹间皮肤正常。心率150次/分、两肺呼吸音较粗,腹软,肝肋下可及边缘。神经系统未见异常。患儿为进城务工人员子女,刚从老家接来,预防接史不详。昨日邻居有1-3岁小儿发热、出疹子。案例中患儿最可能的临床诊断是什么? 行为治疗模式的治疗技术有哪几种?



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