

[单选] You are creating a new form for the Order Entry application. You define a record group that will be created when the form is executing this built in: CREATE_GROUP(rg_emplist, global_scope) Which form(s) in the application will have access to this record group?()

A . All forms in the application. 
B . Any forms opened by the user who initiated the record group. 
C . Only the form issuing the CREATE_GROUP built-in. 
D . Any forms referenced by the form that contains the procedure.

香港特区立法会议员的职责包括哪些? 精馏塔在开工调试阶段将回流调至()以便于过程的稳定或控制 最小。 最大。 设计推荐正常值。 华某,女性,20岁。头部被玻璃瓶刺伤2d。见5Cm长裂口,脓性分泌物较多,处理方法是() 清创后不予缝合。 清创并缝合。 换药控制感染。 清创后湿敷包扎。 清创缝合并放置引流。 Examine the parameter for your database instance: You generated the execution plan for the following query in the plan table and noticed that the nested loop join was done. After actual execution of the query, you notice that the hash join was done in the execution plan: Identify the reason why the optimizer chose different execution plans.() The optimizer used a dynamic plan for the query.。 The optimizer chose different plans because automatic dynamic sampling was enabled.。 The optimizer used re-optimization cardinality feedback for the query.。 The optimizer chose different plan because extended statistics were created for the columns used.。 低压封堵作业中,液动挡板在使用后要清洗,活塞杆和两根导向轴的表面及其它配合表面涂上(),保持清洁与润滑。 润滑脂。 二硫化钼。 黄甘油。 黄油。 You are creating a new form for the Order Entry application. You define a record group that will be created when the form is executing this built in: CREATE_GROUP(rg_emplist, global_scope) Which form(s) in the application will have access to this record group?()



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