

[单选] A ship must report a collision with an aid to navigation maintained by the Coast Guard to which office?()

A . Nearest Oceanographic office
B . The Marine Safety Center at Coast Guard Headquarters
C . National Ocean Service
D . Nearest Officer in Charge,Marine Inspectio

战勤保障大队水带挂钩储备数量为50只。 高温气冷核电反应堆用氦气作冷却剂。 筹措短期资金的方式有() 短期借款。 商业信用。 发行债券。 融资租赁。 高温气冷核电反应堆采用重水作为慢化剂。 下图标签的物品是哪一类别的危险品?() 4.1。 4.2。 4.3。 4。 A ship must report a collision with an aid to navigation maintained by the Coast Guard to which office?()



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