

[问答题] 何谓共晶反应、包晶反应?试比较这两种反应的异同点。

在相同压力温度下天然气在油类中的溶解度要比在水中的溶解度() ["大","一样","小"] The current time is 12:00 noon. You want to recover the USERS tablespace from a failure that occurred at 11:50 a.m. You discover that the only member of an unarchived redo log group containing information from 11:40 a.m. onwards is corrupt. With reference to this scenario, if you are not using Recovery Manager (RMAN), which recovery method would you use?() [" time-based recovery"," log sequence recovery"," cancel-based recovery"," change-based recovery"] 【背景资料】某工程,建筑面积30000m2.由地上一栋27层,二层以上标准层高3米,地下1层,层高3.5米,框架剪力墙结构体系,基坑最大开挖深度6m,淤泥质土层,地下水较高,本工程外防护脚手架为双排落地式,使用2台塔吊做施工运输用。 签约开工后,项目经理安排某得力施工员编制总体质量控制计划,编制完成后交项目总工程师审批后,即组织实施,项目监理工程师向项目经理部发出通知,要求项目部编制的总体质量控制计划应交监理部审批,并指出深基坑工程应编制专项施工方案,且要求进行专家论证。 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项总体质量控制计划由项目总工程师审批后实施。 You database is running an ARCHIVELOG mode. The following parameter are set in your database instance: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch+%t_%r.arc LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = ‘LOCATION = /disk1/archive’ DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE = 50G DB_RECOVERY_FILE = ‘/u01/oradata’ Which statement is true about the archived redo log files?() [" They are created only in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter."," They are created only in the Fast Recovery Area."," They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and in the default location $ORACLE_HOME\/dbs\/arch."," They are created in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter and the location specified by the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST parameter."] 机房地面的标准贴一级防滑耐磨砖;地角线刷防火漆,高度()mm。 ["50","100","150","200"] 何谓共晶反应、包晶反应?试比较这两种反应的异同点。




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