

[单选] You have written a custom menu for a Forms application. You saved the menu module to the file custmenu.mmb. In the Property Palette for the form, you set the Menu Module property to custmenu. When you run the form, the custom menu does not appear. What can you do to fix this problem?()

A . Generate the menu module executable. 
B . Save the menu module as custmenu.mmx. 
C . In the Property Sheet for the form, set the Starting Menu property to custmenu. 
D . In the Property Sheet for the form, set the Menu Module property to custmenu.mmb.

斜齿轮传动和直齿轮传动一样,都不可能产生轴向分力。 各项社会保险基金按照社会保险险种分别建账,分账核算,执行国家统一的会计制度。 反思小说《杂色》的作者是()。 张贤亮。 王蒙。 史铁生。 冯骥才。 A senior DBA asked you to execute the following command to improve performance: SQL> ALTER TABLE subscribe log STORAGE (BUFFER_POOL recycle); You checked the data in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table and found that it is a large table containing one million rows. What could be a reason for this recommendation?() The keep pool is not configured.。 Automatic Workarea Management is not configured.。 Automatic Shared Memory Management is not enabled.。 The data blocks in the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rarely accessed.。 All the queries on the SUBSCRIBE_LOG table are rewritten to a materialized view。 中、小型往复式压缩机一般采用滑动轴承,大型往复式压缩机一般采用滚动轴承。 You have written a custom menu for a Forms application. You saved the menu module to the file custmenu.mmb. In the Property Palette for the form, you set the Menu Module property to custmenu. When you run the form, the custom menu does not appear. What can you do to fix this problem?()



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