

[单选] When you adjust a thermostatic expansion valve, ().

A . refrigerant must be bled off the sensing line before adjustments are made
B . all refrigerant must be pumped into the receiver before adjustments are made
C . time must be allowed for conditions to stabilize in the evaporator before further adjustments are made
D . all refrigerant must be routed through the dehydrator while changing the superheat setting

Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and / or discharging the goods thereat,the Carrier(). is entitled to discharge the goods at the port of loading or any other safe and convenient place and terminate the contract of carriage。 is not entitled to terminate the contract of carriage。 is not entitled to claim against the shipper or charterer any damage that he will suffer with the cargo on board。 is entitled to claim freight with the cargo on board。 “肥料三要素”是指哪三个?() 钙。 磷。 钾。 氮。 污泥浓缩罐(T-D13A/B/C/D)上装有搅拌装置和顶部装有加热装置,是为了()过程,同时也是为了有效去除污油。 加快反应沉降。 加快反应上升。 减缓反应沉降。 减缓反应上升。 开钻时先机后水,停机时先水后风。 加压接触氧化塔(TW-D05A/B)的进口COD约为()。 1000mg/L。 100mg/L。 500mg/L。 700mg/L。 When you adjust a thermostatic expansion valve, ().



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