

[单选] If you are the Master of a towing vessel whose only working radar no longer functions,what must you do?()

A . Notify the Captain of the Port (COTP) if you cannot repair it within 96 hours
B . Notify the Officer in Charge of Marine Inspection (OCMI) if you cannot repair it within 48 hours
C . Moor the vessel until it is repaired
D . Anchor the vessel until it is repaired

有源驱动的OLED显示屏在哪些方面具有广阔的应用前景? 战勤保障大队防化手套储备数量为20付。 战勤保障大队消防防化服储备数量为20套。 战勤保障大队消防隔热服储备数量为20套。 LED显示屏有什么特点? If you are the Master of a towing vessel whose only working radar no longer functions,what must you do?()



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