

[单选] Which of the following statements is NOT true?()

A . Henry II did some renovations of castles built in Stephen's time.
B . Henry II recalled grants of Royal lands made by Stephen.
C . Henry II strengthened the powers of his sheriffs.
D . Henry II relied for armed support upon a militia made up of English

彻 纸张发黄是由于含有() 纤维素。 半纤维素。 木素。 填料。 Ⅴ类围岩常用局部喷射混凝土支护或局部锚杆支护。 喷射混凝土是适用各种围岩条件的支护方式。 船舶在机动航行时,突遇跳闸停电,值班轮机员不正确的做法是() 立即起动备用机组迅速供电并通知驾驶台。 原动机若没停车而跳闸,应去掉次要负载,迅速合闸并通知驾驶台。 如驾驶台急于用车,必须不考虑后果,立即执行驾驶参台用车命令。 立即停发电原动机,然后通知电机员下机舱检查配电情况。 Which of the following statements is NOT true?()
参考答案: A



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