

[名词解释] 层系组

左翼文学的目的是:() ["自我完善","把现存社会改造推翻,夺取政权","维护专制","以上说法都正确"] 某股票拟进行股票分红,方案为每10股送5股,个人所得税率为20%,该股票股权登记日的收盘价为9元,则该股票的除权价应该是()。 ["6元","5元","7元","6.43元"] 什么是信息经济? Which two of these are characteristics of the 802.1Q protocol?() [" it is a layer 2 messaging protocol which maintains vlan configurations across network."," it includes an 8-bit field which specifies the priority of a frame."," it is used exclusively for tagging vlan frames and dose not address network reconvergence following switched network topology changes."," it modifies the 802.3 frame header,and thus requires that the FCS be recomputed."," it is a trunking protocol capable of carring untagged frames."] 规定期限内,对配额以内的商品征收最惠国税,超过配额征收普通税甚至罚款,这种非关税措施叫做() ["全球关税配额","国别关税配额","关税配额","非优惠关税配额"] 层系组



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