

[填空题] 飞机制造业按()进行生产。

The () compressor and its electrical motor are entirely housed in a gas-tight casing. ["open-type","hermetic","A and B","None of the above"] When measuring the oxygen content of the cargo tanks prior to loading cargoes requiring vapor recovery,check it(). ["one meter from the tank bottom and one meter below the tank top","one half the ullage of the tank and one meter below the tank top","one half the ullage of the tank and one meter above the tank bottom","at three meter intervals from the tank top to the bottom"] 发行股票是所有公司制企业筹措自有资金的基本方式。() 语句Dim s(1 to 5)as Boolean定义的数组是()类型的元素。 ["整型","日期型","逻辑型","单精度实型"] 动画既是利用人的视觉暂留特性,快速播放一系列连续运动变化的图形图像,也包括画面的()效果。 ["位移","缩放","旋转","变换","淡入淡出"] 飞机制造业按()进行生产。



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