

[单选] ()means the sufficiency of a vessel in materials,construction,equipment,crew,and outfit for the trade or service in which it is employed.

A . Seaworthiness
B . Cargo-worthiness
C . Readiness
D . Proficiency

A mortgagee does not acquire a right to the freight()he has taken actual or constructive possession of the ship. where。 if。 and。 unle。 “严格按规定将抵押物相关登记、证明材料等入库保管。有关人员要定期检查核对”是抵押贷款()的防控措施之一。 贷前调查。 贷后管理。 抵押登记办理。 抵押担保审核。 简叙硝化反应的主要危险性。 简述隐藏新棘虫的生活史。 “严格按抵押物种类合理确定抵押率标准,不得超规定抵押率发放贷款”是抵押贷款()的防控措施之一。 抵押物估价取值。 抵押登记办理。 抵押担保审核。 贷款审查、审批。 ()means the sufficiency of a vessel in materials,construction,equipment,crew,and outfit for the trade or service in which it is employed.



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