

[单选] You noticed that large memory allocations for the Oracle backup and restore operations are causing a performance overhead on the shared pool. Which memory structure would you configure to avoid this performance overhead?()

A .  recycle buffer cache
B .  large pool
C .  streams pool
D .  keep buffer cache
E .  redo log buffer

While performing the backup of the flash recovery area, you notice that one of the archived redo log files is missing. You have multiple destinations for archived redo log files.  What implications does it have on the backup of the flash recovery area?()    The backup fails because one of the archived redo log files is missing.。  The backup succeeds but it would be without the missing archived log.。  During backup,you are prompted for the alternative destination for the missing archived redo log file.。  The backup succeeds because it fails over to one of the alternative archived redo log destinations.。 Anyone who knows just the host name and the listener name can have full control over the listener. They can stop the listener and also obtain detailed information about the listener, database, and the configuration of the application. How would you avoid this scenario?() lock the listener。 hide the listener。 create multiple listeners。 run listener on a remote client。 set a password for the listener。 store listener.ora in a non-default locatio。 女性,24岁,背部红肿3d,检查背部有一10cm*10cm的肿胀区,中央可见多个脓栓,发红,压痛,挤压有脓液流出。考虑为() 丹毒。 痈。 疖。 急性蜂窝织炎。 急性淋巴管炎。 Consider the following statement on a RANGE partitioned table: ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION p1, p3; What is the outcome of executing the above statement?() A syntax error will result as you cannot specify more than one partition in the same statement。 All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed and the table definition is changed。 All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed, but the table definition remains unchanged。 Only the first partition (p1) will be dropped as only one can be dropped at any time。 2011年7月11日水利部党组召开全国水利系统贯彻落实中央水利工作会议精神动员大会,陈雷强调要加快推进水利改革发展新跨越,其中不正确的是() 实现三个突破。 明确水利发展中的三条红线。 强化五个支撑。 落实六项政策。 You noticed that large memory allocations for the Oracle backup and restore operations are causing a performance overhead on the shared pool. Which memory structure would you configure to avoid this performance overhead?()



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