

[单选] Worn main bearing will cause the compression ratio of an auxiliary diesel engine to()

A . increase
B . decrease
C . remain the same
D . increase on compression decrease on expansio

A number of bags are worn-out()a certain extent. at。 in。 on。 to。 运行补充措施栏填写内容有哪些? 薄壁不锈钢管采用()连接。 单卡环压。 双卡环压。 单卡单压。 单卡双压。 Allowance for fresh water refers to(). the provision to be provided when the vessel sails in fresh water area。 the fresh water to be carried by a vessel。 the allowance of fresh water for each crew member when in distress at sea。 the amount of free board decreased when sailing in fresh water area。 燃具安装在燃具连接管之后,是室内燃气供应系统的()。 首端。 末端。 中端。 前端。 Worn main bearing will cause the compression ratio of an auxiliary diesel engine to()



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