

[单选] 企业、事业单位以及其他组织开业或者成立6个月尚未组建工会,职工有建会意愿的,上级工会()派员帮助和指导职工组建工会。

A . 应当
B . 可以
C . 根据情况
D . 必须

On all vessels equipped with refrigeration units of over 20 cubic foot capacity, (). a gas mask suitable for protection against each refrigerant used, or a self contained breathing apparatus must be provided。 it is the sole responsibility of the chief engineer to ascertain that all members of the engineering department are familiar with the use of gas masks or breathing apparatus。 spare charges shall be carried for at least 50% of each size and variety of gas masks and/or self contained breathing apparatus。 all of the above。 The final inspection responsibility for seeing that a tank barge is provided with the required equipment and fittings in good and serviceable condition prior to loading cargo rests with the (). terminal operator。 owner of the barge。 tankerman or person in charge of loading。 charterer through the Master of the towing vessel。 简述会展项目评估的基本含义。 工会组织的建立,必须报上一级工会() 审批。 批准。 备案。 允许。 ()的作用是防止明火蔓延进入系统内部燃烧,确保安全生产。 阻火器。 火炬分液罐(V-B78)。 火炬水封罐。 缓冲罐。 企业、事业单位以及其他组织开业或者成立6个月尚未组建工会,职工有建会意愿的,上级工会()派员帮助和指导职工组建工会。



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