

[单选] ()应要求施工单位按照合同的约定,编制施工环境管理和保护方案,并对落实情况进行检查

A . 监理单位
B . 建设单位
C . 项目法人
D . 招标单位

Given: Which two, placed on line 13, will produce the output gobstopper?() System.load("prop.custom");。 System.getenv("prop.custom");。 System.property("prop.custom");。 System.getProperty("prop.custom");。 System.getProperties().getProperty("prop.custom");。 下列纳税人中,集中在北京缴纳企业所得税的是()。 民航总局所属其他企业及其所办的股份制企业。 民航总局所属其他企业及其所办的联营企业。 铁道部所属的独立核算的工业企业及其他单位。 中国工商银行、中国银行、中国农业银行。 需用烙铁往设备端子板的端子上焊线时,焊点应光滑,无假焊、错焊、漏焊,无短路,芯线露铜应小于()mm。 1。 2。 3。 4。 施工作业中,封堵设备不可以对输送()介质的管线进行封堵作业。 航煤。 乙烯。 H2S。 液氨。 You execute the following commands to audit database activities: SQL > ALTER SYSTEM SET AUDIT_TRIAL=DB, EXTENDED SCOPE=SPFILE; SQL > AUDIT SELECT TABLE, INSERT TABLE, DELETE TABLE BY JOHN By SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL; Which statement is true about the audit record that generated when auditing after instance restarts?() One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command on a table, and contains the SQL text for the SQL Statements.。 One audit record is created for every successful execution of a SELECT, INSERT OR DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements.。 One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT, or DELETE command, and contains the execution plan for the SQL statements.。 One audit record is created for the whole session if JOHN successfully executes a select command, and contains the SQL text and bind variables used.。 One audit record is created for the whole session if john successfully executes a SELECT, INSERT,or DELETE command on a table, and contains the execution plan, SQL text, and bind variables used.。 ()应要求施工单位按照合同的约定,编制施工环境管理和保护方案,并对落实情况进行检查



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