

[单选] Which of the following is NOT true?()

A . Edward the Confessor was more French than English.
B . Edward the Confessor filled his court with'foreign'favorites.
C . Edward the Confessor was on very good terms with his father-in-law,Earl Godwin.
D . Edward the Confessor appointed a Norman priest Archbishop of Canterbury.

() quality and prices are satisfactory, there are prospects of good sales here. Provided。 Even。 Though。 Unle。 根据《招标投标法》,招标公告或投标邀请书应当载明的事项不包括()。 A.招标人的名称和地址 。 B.对潜在投标人的歧视性要求 。 C.获取招标文件的办法 。 D.招标项目的性质、数量、实施地点和时间。 凸版印刷对纸张的吸墨性要求比较高。 要提高四色胶印油墨的印率,应注意哪些问题? ()是国王沙杰罕献给其王妃的陵墓,被称为“印度的珍珠”。 古兰陵。 多尔陵。 泰姬·玛哈尔陵。 默罕陵。 Which of the following is NOT true?()



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